Kamdhenu Sports

How to avoid injuries in sports?

How to avoid injuries in sports?

I am not an expert or a coach, but as a sports enthusiast, I can tell you that there are a few things you can do or follow to avoid sports injuries. I am one of those unfortunate persons who injured their ankles right before their big break in professional cricket. I used to be a baller and played cricket from the age of 10 till I injured my ankle at the age of 18.
Here is a list of things you can do to prevent sports injuries.

  • Schedule at minimum one day off per week and a minimum of one month off per year from training. Taking a break from anything for a while is good; it helps your body to reset, refresh and restart to do the same thing again.
  • Use adequate and correctly fitted protective equipment- Please, please, please, wear appropriate protective equipment. Don’t think that wearing protective gear will slow you down; it won’t.
  •  Endurance workouts during practice help to strengthen muscles engaged in play. When you train your muscles it restores memory and even if you suffer from injury it repairs quickly.
  • Stretching activities after sports practice might help you become more flexible.
  • Use good technique which should be repeated throughout the season.
  • Playing despite pain is never a good idea. Pain reflects that your body needs rest to repair itself.
  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise or play to avoid heat as it can make you dehydrated.

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